Author Archives: Able Australia

Dual Sensory Impairment in the aging client

Able Australia’s Dr Meredith Prain, National Head of Research and Centre of Excellence – Deafblind together with Dr Bronwen Scott, Orientation and Mobility Specialist discuss dual sensory impairment in the aging client in Audiology Now. Deafblindness is “a unique and isolating sensory disability resulting from the combination of both hearing and vision loss or impairment.” […]

The Deafblind Employability Project

The Deafblind Employability Project: A step in the right direction The United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities Article 27. States “States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely […]

Able Client’s New Impressive Art Creation

Meet Eric! Eric is an Able Australia client who has a real interest and flair for design. Eric’s latest creation is this amazing cardboard mock-up of a restaurant with a pool! He started his creation by firstly drawing up a number of blueprints by hand for the restaurant prior to commencing construction. Eric collaborated with […]

Supporting Our Senior Clients With The Community Visitors Scheme

The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is a national program funded by the Australian Government. The CVS aims to enrich the quality of life of residents of aged care homes who are socially isolated or lonely, and would benefit from a friendly visitor. The CVS also helps establish links between people living in aged care homes […]

Donated Craft Packs Bring Early Christmas Cheer To Our Clients

In early December 2020, we delivered 48 donated craft packs to our clients living in supported homes across Victoria. Simonne and the amazing volunteer group from NextGen Philanthropy generously made packs that included different craft materials so that our clients can get creative this festive season. This amazing volunteer group also contributed to sewing protective […]