Gift in Will

A Gift That Will Last A Lifetime

By including Able Australia in your Will, you are making a unique commitment that will help create a lasting impact and make a notable difference in the lives of people living with severe and multiple disabilities.

A Gift That Will Last A Lifetime

By including Able Australia in your Will, you are making a unique commitment that will help create a lasting impact and make a notable difference in the lives of people living with severe and multiple disabilities. | 1300 220 602 | ABN: 83 024 339 234

The Simmons Sisters

In 1997, Able Australia bought this home in Bonbeach for three of our clients to call home. This was made possible by Beryl and Julia Simmons, who left a generous gift in their Will to Able Australia.

Although Julia and Beryl are sadly no longer with us, their legacy lives on even after 20 years. Their generosity has made a lasting impact on the lives of people living with a disability now and in the future – a gift that keeps on giving

“It feels like my home. I smile a lot here” says Wayne.

We are incredibly grateful to the Simmons sisters for their kindness and generosity that has given our clients like Wayne a home where they can feel comfortable and independent.

To learn more about this Bonbeach home
and the clients who live there, please
watch the video below

Sir Eric Pearce

Sir Eric Pearce was a broadcaster and television pioneer in Australia, and patron of Able Australia.

Sir Eric Pearce sadly passed away on April 12th 1997, and thus, the Sir Eric Pearce Deafblind Fund was established. These growth funds are invested in various projects at Able Australia that continue to support people with disabilities to live the life they choose.

Although Sir Eric Pearce is no longer with us, his genuine, hands-on involvement contributed greatly to funding and supporting this community, which will go on to live on forever.

Have You Informed Us of Your Gift?

A large portion of our life-transforming projects are funded through gifts in Wills. You can make your lifelong impact by donating towards these projects.

Leaving a gift to Able Australia in your Will is a very special way of giving a gift that keeps giving. A gift in your Will – no matter how big or small – ensures that Able Australia will always be there to support and empower people living with complex disabilities.

Have you informed us of your gift? 

A large portion of our life-transforming projects are funded through gifts in Wills. You can make your lifelong impact by donating towards these projects. 

Leaving a gift to Able Australia in your Will is a very special way of giving a gift that keeps giving. A gift in your Will – no matter how big or small – ensures that Able Australia will always be there to support and empower people living with severe and multiple disabilities.

How to Remember Able Australia In Your Will

Most people like you, who passionately support Able Australia, consider leaving a gift in their Will.

Leaving a legacy gift is an important decision, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Here are some steps to consider.

1. Consult a lawyer

2. Discussion with family

3. Contact us at 1300 220 602

or email

Suggested Wording For Your Will

Your bequest wordings give clear instructions to your Executors for your exact wishes to be carried out in a timely manner.

The following wording is offered purely as a guide and Able Australia recommend that you seek professional advice accordingly.

To support Able Australia:

I bequeath the sum of $__


__% of the residue of my estate to Able Australia Services (ABN 83 024 339 234), free of all taxes, duties, and testamentary expenses to Able Australia Services.

To leave a specific gift to a specific program of Able Australia:

I bequeath the sum of $__


__% of the residue of my estate to Able Australia Services (ABN 83 024 339 234) for its general purposes in the operation or conduct of the program.

For more information about how to include us in your Will and suggested wording please enter your details below to download our FREE guide:

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 220 602, or email us on