The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is a national program funded by the Australian Government. The CVS aims to enrich the quality of life of residents of aged care homes who are socially isolated or lonely, and would benefit from a friendly visitor. The CVS also helps establish links between people living in aged care homes and their local community.

Our dedicated volunteers offer support to residents in the aged care homes that are socially isolated and whose quality of life would be improved by friendship and companionship. A community visitor can spend their visits reading, listening to music, having a cup of coffee, chatting and reminiscing  or watch a favourite TV program together. The elderly have a treasure of memories and experiences they want to share with others. We recently had one of our special volunteers Iain start a men’s group in a local aged care home and the residents are excited to be involved!

CVS Volunteer Judy recently said “I benefit just as much as the resident does from the meaningful experience and I have learnt so much, the weekly visit is the highlight of my week”. Time is so precious to the people we support and we thank every Community Visitor Volunteer for the gift of their time.

Able Australia is proud to be an Auspice of the Community Visitor Scheme in the Ipswich & West Moreton area. If you have any questions or queries, please contact our Community Project Manager, Jessy Byrnes on 5600 0733.

To learn more about our Community Services for Seniors, click here.