Author Archives: Able Australia

Seniors Road Trip to Road Safety Project

Able Australia’s Queensland team led by Community Project Manager, Jessy Byrnes, are currently running the Seniors Road Trip to Road Safety Project. Road Safety Statistics indicate that whilst driver’s over 60 years are only 24.5% of the licenced driver’s, they are 32.6% of the drivers in fatal crashes. Able Australia have partnered with a number […]

Meet Victoria – Our Creative Arts Therapist

As an Art Therapist, Victoria’s role is based around working with clients, either in a group or one-on-one setting, with art materials in a therapeutically-minded way. Victoria facilitates group art therapy sessions at our new Northcote Day Centre and is curating 2020 Able Art. Whilst we haven’t been able to run our art therapy sessions […]

Young Adults Program Participants visit TAFE!

During 2019, participants of the Young Adults program in Tasmania attended many interesting activity sessions at TasTAFE! Once session included using virtual 3D goggles! Clients chose what they would like to see through the goggles, such as an underwater scene where they could touch fish, poke at sea anemone and walk a seabed. Other activities […]

Northcote Tour

Northcote Day Centre for Adults with Disability

We are excited to invite you to our rescheduled virtual tour of the Northcote Day Centre for Adults with Disability. This is your opportunity to see for yourself, this beautiful, modern facility from the comfort of your home. Discover how we help clients live more independently and connect with the wider community using an extensive […]