Each year Able has a number of projects which our workforce are significantly devoted to. Winner of the 2019 Debbie Prior Award Leslie Barr donated her prize money of $3,000 to the Sensory Garden at the Northcote Day Centre.

With the help of Allyson (Ally) (Able Australia Disability Support Worker), Les and Ally generously donated their time, giving up a number of their weekends to transform the space into the picturesque and tranquil Sensory Garden it is today. From sourcing scaffolding to hang decorations to the ceiling, to strategically placing sensory activities every addition to the space has been created with clients’ needs in mind.

Northcote Day Centre Sensory Garden

Les and Ally feel they are constantly rewarded by the support they provide clients. The Sensory Garden was their way to give back “it was a pleasure to give them something that will be theirs …it means a lot” Leslie Barr, Senior Disability Support Worker, Able Australia.