20 July 2018.

Clients from the Young Adult Program (YAP) in Launceston and students and teachers at tasTAFE have had a great shared learning opportunity over the last eight weeks.  The Health, Aged Care & Disability department at tasTAFE offered YAP clients a free course in Information Technology (IT) that students studying Certificate III in Disability students were asked to oversee and support.

The course involved hands on activities that aligned with clients’ individual plans and preferences, including developing communication skills, social skills and money skills, as well as participating in craft, music and using gadgets.

After meeting with clients at the YAP centre, the students completely took on the role of supporting the group while Able Australia staff stood back to watch the next generation of support workers take the lead.

With students starting practical experience with Able Australia next term, we are looking forward to working with tasTAFE again.