Happy Volunteer Week!
Although Able mainly provides individualised support for people with disability, we also offer a range of other services in Queensland. Many of these services are made possible by our wonderful volunteers.
In the photo above/to the right is Tyler. Tyler joined us as one of our amazing volunteers in Queensland. Some of Tyler’s roles includes helping load/unload fresh produce off trucks, loading them into the food pantry’s shelves, and purchasing new food for our clients.
Tyler has also been trained as an Emergency Relief Officer. As an Emergency Relief Officer, Tyler interviews people in the community who are struggling and in need of assistance with immediate necessities. These people may be experiencing financial hardship, domestic violence, theft, single parenting or other reasons. Able Australia helps these people in need by providing them with food, clothes, medication and even bills.
“It’s a nice feeling to make someone who comes in distress, to leave with a smile – it means you’ve done a good job” Tyler says.
We are so grateful for Tyler and our other amazing volunteers that provide support and assistance for people in need. Their kindness and generosity goes a long way for the people that they support within the community.
For more information about our volunteers in Queensland, please contact Natalia Stenkova at 07 5600 0700 or at Natalia.stenkova@ableaustralia.org.au.