Able Australia has been closely monitoring information provided to us by both the Federal and State Government about COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

We have formed an Emergency Response Team, led by Kate MacRae our CEO. This team is meeting daily to discuss our COVID-19 preparedness so that we can respond as quickly as possible.

A detailed Able Australia COVID-19 Response Plan has been developed and can be accessed here along with other COVID-19 related resources.

Prevention and early detection is our best defence

In our fight against the spread of COVID-19, prevention and early detection is the best form of defence. It is for this reason we are asking everyone – our workforce, clients, families and carers to do the following:

Practice good hygiene

  • wash your hands often with soap and water, for 20 seconds or hand sanitiser
  • use a tissue (or your sleeve) to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
  • avoid close contact with others, such as touching

Self monitor/watch for symptoms of the illness

  • Fever/temperature
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Feeling generally unwell.

How you can help us

The Government has stated that people who should be tested for Coronavirus are those who have recently returned from overseas and those who have been in contact with someone known to have Cornavirus.

For that reason, we ask that anyone coming to an Able facility, let us know immediately if they fall into either category. Furthermore, we ask that they not visit the service until cleared by a medical practitioner.

We also ask anyone visiting an Able service, to let us know if they have travelled overseas in the past 2 weeks.

Able Australia’s priority is to keep our clients and workforce as safe as possible. We appreciate all the support you can provide us in this endeavour.