Author Archives: Able Australia

YAP Share Learning Experience with TAFE Students

tasTAFE students sitting with Able clients using a computer at the TAFE.

20 July 2018. Clients from the Young Adult Program (YAP) in Launceston and students and teachers at tasTAFE have had a great shared learning opportunity over the last eight weeks.  The Health, Aged Care & Disability department at tasTAFE offered YAP clients a free course in Information Technology (IT) that students studying Certificate III in […]

Deafblind Awareness Week Fun Day

Kate MacRae, Sandi Pontin, Carla Anderson and Peter Hitchener at the Deafblind Awareness Week fun day

26 June 2018. June 16 saw a very successful Deafblind Awareness Week fun day at our Camberwell location in Victoria. Throughout the day, 34 deafblind clients came along, as well as more than 50 volunteers, family members, students from Melbourne Polytechnic and Able Australia staff. The morning started with speeches from Kate MacRae, deafblind client […]

Able Australia Celebrates World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Two Able Australia staff and two Queensland Police Officers at the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Able Australia display

15 June 2018. On Friday 15 June, the Able Australia Active Living Program for Seniors (ALPS) team held a successful community event to celebrate the contribution of seniors in the community and recognise World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). The ALPS team organises, promotes and attends many events in Queensland focused on the active involvement […]

Able’s Cathy Staughton Selected To Feature Art On Melbourne Tram

Two Yarra Trams staff, Able client Cathy Staughton and another artist standing in front of a Yarra Trams tram.

22 May 2018. As part of the inaugural 2018 Yarra Trams Community Partnerships program in Victoria, Able client Cathy Staughton was given the honour of having her artwork featured on one of Melbourne’s trams. Through a partnership between Yarra Trams and Arts Project Australia, Cathy is one of two artists who currently have their artwork […]

Targa Tasmania Car Visits Able Australia Launceston

Able client Harald and Peter Roberts in a Skyliner car

18 May 2018. Harald Tanner has primarily spoken of two subjects since joining Able Australia’s Young Adult Program last year – sports cars and Doctor Who. While he has plans to build his own Tardis, the 22-year-old had the opportunity to explore his other passion further on Friday as a 2018 Targa Tasmania car visited Able Australia’s Launceston office. To read the full story, click […]