Meet Able client, Paul! Paul is an artist who lives in Tasmania and specialises in creating beautiful handmade rugs.

Each one of these colourful, richly textured rugs are the product of up to 100 hours of work. Using a tool called a ‘Latch Hook’, which is similar to a crochet hook; Paul hand pulls individual lengths of wool through a piece of backing mesh before securing each one in place.

Paul started this self-driven art therapy approximately 6 years ago. He will often sit for hours working through this meditative practice of creating these brightly coloured, unique pieces of art. The thing about being well known for making these lovely rugs is the fact that people continue to donate yarn – it’s almost like a never ending supply! Each rug is unique in its colour scheme, pattern and size.

With Paul’s permission, the Able team in Tasmania took his rugs to the Moonah markets in Tasmania to see how they could be used. Everyone was so impressed with Paul’s rugs that he was asked to create rugs in the shape of letters spelling ‘Moonah’. Pauls’s artwork was displayed at the entrance to the Moonah market along with a sign with Paul’s photo and the story behind his art. Everyone who passed it was in awe of his rug designs!

Below are some photos from the market, as well as Paul working on his art!

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