We are excited to announce we are expanding our Positive Behaviour Support service to Queensland. Our Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner Ashley has moved from Melbourne up to Queensland. We sat down with Ash to ask him a few questions about Positive Behaviour Support.

Positive Behaviour Support

How do you assist our clients?

By using a whole of life approach. I like to understand and acknowledge how the client became the person they are today. So, I will generally go in and learn their story first.

I then like to look at their strengths and preferred activities and see how I can utilise them to build their skills and improve their quality of life.

This helps me create strategies that are helpful to the person but also their support networks.

 What do you like most about helping our clients at Able Australia?

Seeing the positive changes in their lives is what gets me up each morning to go again and be the voice of the people we support.

I really enjoy seeing our clients make positive choices for their life and when their support network recognises the same changes, resulting in better and longer lasting relationships for the client.

 What would like to share with everyone about Positive Behaviour Support?

That people requiring Positive Behaviour Support are not ‘bad’ people, rather the behaviour learnt was a result of reinforcement. The behaviours of concern that we are asked to work with is a communicative tool learnt from their environment and is a result of that interaction. It does not come from within the individual.

That everyone can benefit from Positive Behaviour Support

 What are you most excited about Positive Behaviour Support in Queensland?

I’m looking forward to easing some of the pressures that exist within Positive Behaviour Support in Queensland. To building networks and extending our team with a fresh perspective on how to achieve quality Behaviour Support Plans.

I’m really hoping to learn more about Country and Community from Indigenous Communities to see what needs aren’t being met

All the while continuing to develop and explore how best to implement Trauma Informed Supports within the Framework we have.

find out more about positive behaviour support