Soon, our Queensland National Director of Service Development, Community Services and Transport, Richard, will sadly be retiring. So to say thanks, one of our volunteers Tyler, drew a wonderful picture of Richard as a farewell present!
Tyler is one of our amazing volunteers who works in Food Pantry and Emergency Relief in Queensland. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, Tyler has worked tirelessly to help support the community’s most vulnerable. He even gave up his day off to volunteer 5 days a week!
To help lift spirits and push through the difficult situations that this pandemic has produced, Tyler began to take the day-to-day challenges and turn them into art. Tyler has a wonderful book full of humorous drawings about silly things that happened during the day or week.
Able staff member Victoria, was really impressed with Tyler’s drawings, and asked Tyler if he would consider drawing a picture of Richard for a retirement gift.
We think Tyler artwork is spectacular, and Richard seemed to love his unique gift as well!
We appreciate all our staff and volunteers at Able Australia and love to see our organisation supporting one another.