18 October 2018.

Creative Arts Therapy is based on the belief that art-making within a therapeutic context supports changes in a person’s inner world and helps them develop a more integrated sense of self.

Able Art has been Able Australia’s creative arts therapy program for over ten years. The growing interest in creative arts therapy has transformed the program along the way and it is getting bigger and better every year!

Art is a non-verbal method of communication and can support people with alternative communication styles to access mental health support. The program offers individuals and groups the opportunity to be creative in a safe and welcoming environment.

Able’s Creative Arts Therapist and Program Coordinator, Emily Walters, has studied Psychology, Disability and Art Therapy and is registered with ANZATA as an arts therapist.

Clients of Able Australia’s art and craft programs are currently working to have their artwork ready to be displayed and put up for sale at the Able Art event that runs each year at Federation Square.

The 2018 event, ‘Able Art: All The Colours’, showcases the work of Able Australia’s clients and coincides with the International Day of People with Disability. This year, the event will collaborate with a number of service providers to bring an educational and engaging exhibition to the centre of Melbourne. To download a flyer promoting the event, please click here.