Group of people watching someone sign

Deafblind Resources


Orientation and Mobility.

Accessing Information.

Freedom from Abuse.

Deafblind Communications.

Hospital Pack.


Aging & Dual Impairment.

Links to Helpful Deafblind Resources:

Deafblind Australia
Australian Human Rights Commission
Department of Social Services: National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practices in the Disability Service Sector
Department of Social Services: National Standards for Disability Services Disability Service Standards – Disability Employment Disability Service Standards – Advocacy
Every Australian Counts
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
1800 880 052 (in Australia, mobile calls at mobile rates)
TTY: 1800 301 130 (freecall in Australia, mobile calls at mobile rates)
Deafblind Information by Senses Australia
National Disability Insurance Scheme
ACT Human Rights Commission
Advocacy and Legislation Community Services
Community Services
Public Advocate ACT
Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania
Office of Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
Office of Public Guardian
Tasmania Ombudsman
Department of Human Services (AKA DHS)
Department of Human Services Standards
Disability Services Commissioner
Office of Professional Practice and the Senior Practitioner
Office Public Advocate
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Accessibility stream presentations:

Enhancing accessibility to education through curriculum adaptation for students with deafblindness

Art therapy with individuals who are deafblind

Accessibility for people with deafblindness when getting medical services

Appropriate age-related services for seniors with dual sensory loss

Quilting family stories

Educational practices that facilitate learning for children with Md & Db

Positive touch access: increasing access for young learners who are deafblind

Touching the sound

Bringing accessibility solutions to our homes and communities for today and tomorrow

Lead: Learn. Empower. Achieve. Develop. Enhancing skills through leadership development

Act possibilities of supportive physical contexts

Training as a key to access successful inclusive practices

Communication and accessibility impacted of our children’s current life and their future

Why so few words?

The Deafblind Team Model: a collaborative partnership to act and meet complex student needs

Mentoring deafblind employees

Bertolt Brecht and deafblind theatre

How can we increase accessibility through special educational investigations?

Persons with deafblindness living with Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Deafblind Centre of Excellence in Australia: supporting service excellence

Communications stream presentations:

Theory-of-mind in individuals with acquired deafblindness is affected by social relations

Adapted sign communication

Researching tactile signed conversations

Using videoanalysis to enhance communication between parents and children with deafblindness

Building communication between deafblind students through adapted physical activity/apa

Giving access to a cultural language

Dying with dignity

Promoting accessibility through psychological assessment

How to act with arousal in mind

Diagnosis of adults with Usher Syndrome

Social-haptic communication in Australia

Using extracurricular activities to enhance communication and social skills for inclusive education

Suggestions based on the work of David Katz for a ‘touch-based pedagogy’

The Swedish National Resource Center for Deafblindness research overview

Technology stream presentations:

Dual sensory loss and assistive technology use in the Canadian Longitudinal Study On Aging

Video feedback intervention: how do you do it?

Applying for intervenor services: a web based approach

Creating and tracking student growth through the development of local capacity around the child

My life story about overcoming communication challenges as a deafblind person

Eye gaze technology: more than meets the eye!

Converting vibrotactile information in daily practice of people with deafblindness

Meditation and haptics

How technology and communication styles have improved my life

Codesign of a national deafblind information hub with and for people with deafblindness

Effectiveness of a new modality of face-to-face and distance communication in deafblindness

Web accessibility best practices for people with deafblindness

Creating inclusive accessible community groups

If you need support to understand any of our information, please call us on 1300 225 369 and we will help to arrange this for you.