Meet Karen! About 12 years ago, Karen suffered a severe stroke that paralysed the left side of her body and affected her brain functionality including sight and speech. Karen was told by doctors that she would never walk again.
With the support of Able Australia staff, Karen has defeated the odds and is now not only walking, but accomplishing many of her goals.
Karen loves attending some of Able’s community participation programs, including personalised gym sessions, music classes and staring in concerts. Karen is now engaging in the activities she enjoys most again, such as shopping, going to the cinemas, tourist trips and tending to her veggie gardening.
Last summer, Karen made the most of the Gold Coast sun at the Surfers Paradise and Burleigh heads beach. Recently, she thoroughly enjoyed attending the production show, Cirque Mother Africa, as well as the Chevron Street Party.
“Karen is more cheerful, talkative and is enjoying her life” says Rana, Able Australia Disability Support Worker.
Karen, as well as her Able supports, are so proud of how far she as come!