International Communication Rights Alliance (ICRA)

Centre of Excellence – Deafblind (CoE – DB)

In 2020, Deafblind International (DbI) and the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI), partnered with the ISAAC UNCRPD working group to develop a policy statement and call to action, at which time the International Communication Rights Alliance (ICRA) was formed.

The membership of ICRA comprises of:

  • People with communication support needs

  • Peak bodies including those representing AAC users and people with communication support needs and those working with these groups.

  • Service providers

  • Educators

  • Academics

ICRA members are represented in six continents.

ICRA’s key focus points are:

  • How might the ICRA assist in the interpretation and implementation of the UNCRPD across countries, with respect to communication rights?

  • What work is currently happening in this area, specific to communication rights?

  • Are there pre-existing resources or campaigns that could be shared or adapted for this purpose?

On the 15th August, 2022 two International Communication Rights Alliance (ICRA) committee members, Beth Moulam and Jacob Matthew, presented to the UNCRPD committee, regarding communication rights and the lack of state reporting obligations and standards.

You can watch the presentation, 1:05 hours into the recording by clicking here.

To receive updates about ICRA, follow us on social media:





ICRA Policy
Statement Document

Learn more

ICRA Call to Action
Plain Language Document

Learn more

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the team on

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