…And that’s a wrap for Able Art 2022

Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated the opening of Able Art over Friday 2 December and Saturday 3 December. It was fantastic we could celebrate International Day of People with Disability in person and hold the exhibition in-person for the first time in 3 years.

The official opening was truly a celebration of the artists as many of our clients from our day services and deafblind services attending.

We commenced the official opening with a Q and A panel session which two of our clients Alex and Joe joined us together with Dr Meredith Prain, Head of the Centre of Excellence – Deafblind and Creative Arts Therapist, Claire Fraser

Helena our new Creative Arts Therapist held a movement exercise with everyone in the audience enjoy the movement of ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA.

Able Art 2022 International Day of People with Disability
Able Art 2022 International Day of People with Disability
Able Art 2022 International Day of People with Disability

Able Art Montague of artists’ work from Tasmania

Able art 2022 booklet

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