NDIS Provider - book an Interpreter

Deafblind Communication; Building professional competency in
tactile communication

Centre of Excellence – Deafblind (CoE – DB)

Partners: Monash University, NAATI


This project seeks to better understand what makes for successful communication for deafblind signers, and to use these insights to develop evidence-based training resources and skill descriptors for professional qualifications. In order to achieve this, conversations between deafblind signers and others are recorded and analysed accordingly.

The aims of the project are to:

  • Document the way deafblind signers, their communication guides and interpreters undertake joint attention tasks, creating an annotated machine-readable corpus for future researchers.

  • Explore how participants draw on visual Auslan, gesture, haptic feedback and innovation to develop effective communicative practices

  • Understand the basic structures and principles that underpin successful communication for/ with deafblind signers

  • On the basis of 1-3, develop and trial a range of training resources and skill descriptors that can inform the development of formal training and credentialing of professionals working with Australian deafblind signers.

Project website: https://www.monash.edu/arts/languages-literatures-cultures-linguistics/deafblind-communication-building-professional-competencies


Click here to view the Deafblind Professionals Report

Presentation at the National Deafblind Conference, June 2022

Presentation at the AUSIT conference, November 2022

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the team on deafblind@ableaustralia.org.au

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