20 June 2018.

Client Robert Uren has had his dream of working at the CFA realised through the support of Able.

Robert’s story began in 2014 when he met with Karen Major, Best Practice Advisor, now National Manager of Quality and Compliance, for his individual planning meeting. Robert shared with Karen his long-time dream of working at the CFA.

At the time, Karen and her husband Terry (a member of the CFA) facilitated Robert beginning regular visits to the Epping CFA site in 2015. Each Saturday for a number of weeks, Karen picked Robert up to take him to the facility. However, after some time, Robert was unable to continue his visits.

Despite this, Robert’s interest in the CFA never waned and as of May, Robert is back! The CFA visits have started again, and it’s as if Robert never left. Wearing his CFA shirt and cap, Robert waited in his driveway for Karen to take him back into work. Once again, Robert was able to explore the fire and rescue trucks, learn how to operate the fire hoses and fire station doors, learn how to roll up the fire hoses, and help Terry wash the vehicles just like he did years before.

The Epping CFA Captain Rob Saitta is now eager to find out how Robert can become a recognised volunteer.